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Miele SCD10 Cat & Dog Accessory Set

Product Code : MLE9060340
Barcode : 4002515010471
Condition : New
In stock


Fit to Model:

  • S4210, S4211, S4212, S4213, S4221, S4222, S4260, S4261, S4262, S4280, S4281, S4282, S5211, S5212, S5281, S5282, S5710, S5711, S5760, S5780, S5781, S6210, S6220, S6230, S6240, S6250, S6260, S6270, S6280, S6290, S6310, S6320, S6330, S6340, S6350, S6360, S6390, S7260, S7580, S8310, S8320, S8330, S8340, S8360, S8370, S8380, S8390, S8510, S8520, S8530, S8590, S8710, S8730, S8790, SCAB0, SCAB3, SCAC0, SCAE0, SCAE1, SCAF3, SCAG0, SCAG1, SCAG2, SCAJ0, SCAO0, SCAO3, SCAP3, SCBC0, SCBE1, SCBF3, SCCF3, SCCG0, SCCG1, SCD10, SCRG1, SCRG2, SCRP3, SDAB0, SDAB1, SDAB3, SDAB4, SDAC0, SDAC1, SDAE0, SDAE1, SDAE4, SDAF3, SDAF4, SDAG0, SDAG1, SDAJ0, SDAN0, SDAO0, SDAP3, SDAP4, SDBB0, SDBB3, SDBB4, SDBE0, SDBE1, SDBE4, SDBF3, SDBF4, SDBF5, SDBO0, SDBO3, SDBO4, SDCB0, SDCB1, SDCB3, SDCB4, SDCE0, SDCE1, SDCE4, SDCF3, SDCF4, SDCG0, SDCG1, SDCJ0, SDCN0, SDCO0, SDCO3, SDCO4, SDCP3, SDCP4, SDRB4, SDRE1, SDRF3, SDRF4, SDRF5, SDRG1, SDRG3, SDRG4, SDRK3, SDRK4, SDRK5, SDRP3, SDRP4, SFAA0, SFAA3, SFAC0, SFAC1, SFAE0, SFAE1, SFAF3, SFAF5, SFAJ0, SFAP3, SFBC0, SFBC1, SFBE1, SFBF3, SFBF5, SFCA0, SFCC0, SFCC1, SFCF3, SFCJ0, SFCP3, SFRC1, SFRE1, SFRF3, SFRF4, SFRF5, SFRP3, SFRP4, SGDA0, SGDA1, SGDA3, SGDC1, SGDE0, SGDE1, SGDE3, SGDF3, SGDF4, SGDF5, SGDG0, SGDG1, SGDH0, SGDN0, SGDP3, SGEA0, SGEA1, SGEA3, SGEE0, SGEE1, SGEF3, SGEF4, SGEF5, SGEH0, SGEN0, SGFA0, SGFA1, SGFA3, SGFC0, SGFE0, SGFE1, SGFF3, SGFF4, SGFF5, SGFG0, SGFG1, SGFG3, SGFH0, SGFH1, SGFH2, SGFK0, SGFK1, SGFK2, SGFP3, SGJA0, SGJA1, SGJE0, SGJE1, SGJE3, SGJP3, SGMA0, SGMA3, SGME0, SGME1, SGMF3, SGMF5, SGMJ0, SGMP3, SGSA1, SGSA3, SGSC1, SGSE1, SGSF3, SGSF4, SGSF5, SGSG1, SGSG2, SGSG3, SGSH1, SGSH2, SGSH4, SGSK3, SGSK5, SGSP3, SGSP4, SGSP5, SGTP3, SGUG1, SGUG2, SHBE0, SKCE0, SKCE2, SKCF2, SKCF3, SKCF5, SKCG3, SKCP3, SKCR3, SKME2, SKMF2, SKMF3, SKMF5, SKMP3, SKMR3, SKRE0, SKRE2, SKRF3, SKRF5, SKRG2, SKRP3, SKRR3, SNCE0, SNCF0, SNCO0, SNRE0, SNRF0, SNRF3, SNRO0

Product Description

  • The Miele cat & dog accessory case is a dream come true for pet owners. Those that own the Miele Cat & Dog vacuum cleaner know and love the smart attachments Miele includes with this vacuum, and this kit includes a few extras. For thorough cleaning of homes with pets, count on a Miele vacuum combined with the Miele SCD10 cat & dog accessory set. Included are the following attachments and accessories:
  • The Mini Turbobrush STB 101 has been around for a while and is an absolute must-have, even if you don't have a pet hair battle. The mini turbobrush is perfect for vacuuming cut-pile carpets and delicate upholstery. This tool is also great at cleaning high-traffic stairs and removing crumbs and pet hair from furniture, stairs and even vehicles.
  • The Flexible Crevice Tool SFD 20 also comes with the Cat & Dog attachment set and is a dream tool for getting into the tightest nooks and crannies. The flexible crevice tool effortlessly pulls debris from awkward, narrow, or tight spaces around furniture, appliances, and in vehicle seats. The crevice nozzle bends easily and cleans efficiently with a reach up to 14 inches.
  • The Hygiene Cap SHV 10 is an often overlooked Miele accessory that relieves a common concern in your Miele canister vacuum.  After vacuuming up foul odors such as kitty litter, the vacuum bag can emit odors through the vacuum hose because the bag's auto seal lock is held open. The hygiene cap features active charcoal pellets which work hard to remove odors, so with the hygiene cap in place, the canister vacuum can be stored separately from the suction hose while retaining odors and unpleasant smells.
  • SF-ACC50 is perfect if you have pets. The filter has an active charcoal cassette which absorbs odours from the dustbags, helping to keep smells at bay. It has a life of 50 hours which is about 12 months of vacuuming.
Product CodeMLE9060340
MPN CodeMLE9060340

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